Billing & invoices
Here you will find the answers to the most commonly asked questions relating to customer invoices and payments to Focus Group.
Billing and invoice FAQ's
Why is my first bill higher than expected?
Focus Group usually invoice one month in advance for line rental and one month in arrears for call charges, however, on your first bill the rental will be backdated to when the lines were installed, so you may have up to three months of line rental charges on the first bill as well as any installation charges.
What if I fail to pay my invoice on time?
If payment of any of your invoices is overdue we will send you reminders. If you haven’t made payment within 14 days of the first reminder we have the right to suspend your services
Why have I been charged for an engineer visit?
If an Openreach engineer has to go to a property to fix a fault, there will be a standard charge of £145.00 plus £145.00 for each hour (TRC) that the engineer is onsite if the equipment is non-BT maintained, the engineer will also charge if no fault is found or the fault is on equipment e.g. faulty fax machine or telephone.
I don't recognise a charge on my bill?
If a charge appears on your invoice that you do not recognise, please enquire via our customer portal and a member of the team will reach out to you directly.
I would like to set up a direct debit on my Account
The simplest way to set up a Direct Debit on your account is to call the Accounts team on 01273 874190, all that we need is your sort code and account number, alternatively you can email [email protected] and request a Direct Debit mandate.
When should I expect my direct debit to go out?
The Direct Debit will usually be collected 14 days after the invoice has been generated, this ensures that any queries can be answered before collection.
My credit note is not showing on my invoice?
Credit notes are issued separately to invoices and will not show on any invoices, however, it will show on the balance owing, for example if you have a credit note for £10.00 and your next invoice totals £100.00, the balance owing on the account will be £90.00, if an account is on Direct Debit, the Direct Debit will take the credit note into account.
I would like to receive itemisation with my monthly invoice
If you would like any additional reports along with future invoices e.g. itemisation, please email [email protected] and we will arrange for this to be included for future invoices.
Who do I contact if I no longer need services that Focus Group provides?
If you wish to cease services with Focus, please send your request in writing to [email protected], all requests must be made in writing as you may be in contract and will have to give notice to cease services.
Who do I contact if I am moving out of my property?
If you are moving out of your property and need to request a final bill, please email [email protected] with the following information: date that you are leaving, forwarding address/email address, details of the new owners (if known).
Who do I contact if i have a billing query?
If you need to contact us with any billing or invoice queries please email: [email protected]
Quick links
We are always here to help. Give us a call on 0330 024 2000 today!
For customer service: [email protected]